With the launch of its new website, a recently formed organization has officially thrown its hat in the ring to become a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) under the Ontario government’s new model to manage the province’s scrap tires.
eTracks Tire Management Systems is a not-for-profit organization incorporated by the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC). According to its website, eTracks’ goal is to meet the needs of TRAC members and other obligated producers interested in the responsible management and disposal of Ontario’s end of life tires.
Under the province’s new model, a producer responsibility framework obligates individual companies to ensure that their used tires are recovered and recycled according to provincial standards. These producers are free to engage a third-party PRO such as eTracks to help them manage their legislated responsibilities.
The Resource Recovery & Circular Economy Act and related regulations (pending) replace Ontario’s existing stewardship model for managing the province’s waste and after nine years of operation, will see the exit of Ontario Tire Stewardship at the end of 2018.
Check out eTracks’ new website at https://etracks.ca/
For details on the wind-up of Ontario Tire Stewardship, click here.