The Chair of Tire Stewardship of Saskatchewan Inc. (TSS) recently announced the engagement of Brad Colin as its new Executive Director, starting December 11, 2017.
In his announcement, Colin Fraser confirmed that Brad will be tasked with implementing the new TSS Product Stewardship Program (PSP) and will be a key contact for industry, TSS registered retailers, contracted service providers and program stakeholders.
With an extensive background in information management, governance, and project leadership, the TSS Chair is confident that Mr. Colin has the skills and experience to deliver successfully on the organization’s vision to be the best tire recycling program in Canada.
TSS has operated Saskatchewan’s program on a status quo basis since September 1, 2017, which began a period of transition from the former program operator, Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation. In October, TSS received government approval to operate the province’s scrap tire recycling program for the next three years, effective January 1, 2018, based on its PSP submission.
Information about tire retailers, collectors and processors is available on the program operator’s new website. Processors and innovators with an interest in the direction of TSS and the PSP are invited to contact TSS.
Brad Colin can be reached at 1-833-790-1894 (toll free), 1-306-789-7630 (fax) or by email to brad@tirestewardshipsk.ca.