CATRA is pleased to announce the publishing of its second Annual Report.
Our 2017 report focuses on the many ways in which CATRA members have delivered in the three key areas of Diversion, Driving Local Economies, and Supporting Communities.
Introduced by Jeff MacCallum, CATRA's current Chair, the report features significant member achievements both in 2017 and cumulatively since the inception of their programs.
Building on our 2017 successes, 2018 is set to be another year of achievement and growth – full of opportunities for CATRA to support its members as they work closely with their respective governments to carry out their environmental and economic responsibilities.
The 2017 report is available on CATRA's website in both English and French.
Questions or comments about the 2017 Annual Report or any other aspect of CATRA can be submitted at http://www.catraonline.ca/contact