In November 2016, New Brunswick marked the 20th year of its tire recycling program at a celebratory event held in Fredericton.
The event was attended by key recycling program partners who were instrumental in achieving the diversion of approximately 20 million tires from the province’s landfills. The recycling partners were presented with certificates of appreciation by the province’s Minister of Environment and Local Government, Serge Rousselle.
According to Recycle NB CEO Pat McCarthy, “New Brunswickers have supported the program from the start. We really appreciate their efforts to recycle their scrap tires. They help to keep our province clean and green.”
New Brunswick’s program creates value added products such as garden mulch, playground cover, livestock mats and snowplow blades which are sold to markets around the world. In the first 20 years of the program, these products used about 300 million pounds of rubber from the province’s scrap tires.
Check out Recycle NB’s full news release about this important milestone. Details of Recycle NB and its programs are also available at www.recyclenb.com
Annual tire diversion rates and markets are available for New Brunswick and CATRA’s other Members at http://www.catraonline.ca/provincial-data