Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) is excited to announce that after only eight years of operation, its Used Tires Program has achieved the recycling of 100 million tires. If stacked, those tires would be about 36,000 times the height of Toronto’s famous CN Tower!
But Ontario’s success doesn’t stop there.
In addition to this April milestone, with the help of its industry partners, Ontario has maintained a 100% diversion rate of newly generated scrap tires and cleaned up more than one million tire piles that had accumulated across the province before the program launched in 2009.
Ontario’s used tires are diverted from landfills to gain new life as eco-friendly products for the home, garden and landscaping – including patio tiles, planters, rubber landscaping mulch, gym flooring, playground surfacing and more.
Check out the video, 100 Million Tires & Counting!, which highlights OTS’ contributions to Ontario’s environment, economy and communities. http://rethinktires.ca/100-million-tires-counting/#sthash.r1XEZiPI.dpbs
Read OTS’ announcement, Road to 100 – the journey to 100 million tires recycled in Ontario at http://rethinktires.ca/road-to-100-the-journey-to-100-million-tires-recycled-in-ontario/#sthash.EGoLy6kp.S4z87R6y.dpuf
Annual tire diversion rates and markets are available for Ontario and CATRA’s other Members at http://www.catraonline.ca/provincial-data