Ontario: Where to now? ...

In February’s Recycling Product News (RPN), the Executive Director of Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) looks back on the program’s achievements since its 2009 inception amidst ongoing industry speculation on what the future holds once the province’s existing tire recycling program winds up in December 2018.
At about 12 million tires per year, Ontario sells more tires than any other Canadian province. This means that continuity of the current program’s recycling successes is essential once the province transitions to the Individual Producer Responsibility model under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act in January 2019.
Andrew Horsman’s commentary includes examples of OTS’ focus on investing in innovation and Research & Development, from supporting the revitalization of community spaces to growing high-value, sustainable markets for the province’s recycled rubber.
Click here to read the RPN article.
Want more information?
Check out CATRA’s related news article on the OTS wind up, published in November 2017.