Saskatchewan issues 2 RFPs
for stockpile cleanups ...

Editor’s note: CATRA is sharing the following News Release on behalf of Tire Stewardship of Saskatchewan (TSS).
News Release: Request for Proposal Issued for Disposal of Abandoned Scrap Tires in Assiniboia
Saskatchewan’s new scrap tire recycling program operator is moving forward with a plan to clean up the former Assiniboia Rubber Recycling Inc. site. TSS, on behalf of the Ministry of Environment, has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit innovative bids to dispose of scrap tires at the ARR site in Assiniboia.
“Addressing the environmental and safety issues associated with the Assiniboia facility has been a government priority for some time,” said Environment Minister Dustin Duncan. “Having TSS in place to take on the cleanup challenge is a milestone development for the province, and encouraging news for the community.”
TSS is the new program operator for the provincial scrap tire recycling program and is operating under a new, ministry-approved Product Stewardship Program as of January 1, 2018. As part of its stewardship role, TSS is working with the ministry towards a cleanup solution for the abandoned scrap tires in the Town of Assiniboia.
“The Town is very pleased with this announcement as this issue has been very concerning for Council, Administration and our greater community,” said Assiniboia Mayor Bob Himbeault. “We are looking forward to a successful resolution.”
Interested proponents can find the RFP, criteria and other associated documents, on Responses to the RFP must be finalized and delivered by Thursday, July 26, 2018 in order to be considered. All amendments and updates to the RFP will be made exclusively on SaskTenders.
Additional Information
Town of Assiniboia
TSS, for and on behalf of the Minister of Environment (“Minister”), has issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) with the objective of obtaining Proposals from Proponents to provide Remedial Services in respect of Scrap Tires located at the Assiniboia Site. Approximately 45.4 million pounds of scrap tires and some processed materials are stockpiled at the abandoned scrap tire processing operations in the Town of Assiniboia. The Assiniboia Rubber Recyclers Inc. ceased operations in February 2014 resulting in the remedial cleanup measure offered for tender.
Interested proponents can find the RFP (Competition #TSS02) and other associated documents on All parameters for the RFP process can be found within the RFP document. Responses to the RFP must be delivered within the parameters outlined in the RFP by Thursday July 26, 2018 in order to be considered by the TSS. All amendments and updates to the RFP will be made exclusively on SaskTenders.
Rural Municipality of Eldon
TSS has issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) with the objective of obtaining Proposals from Proponents to provide Remedial Services in respect of Scrap Tires located at the RM of Eldon Site. Scrap Tires are stockpiled at the RM of Eldon Site, being the former site of a scrap tire processing operator. The RM of Eldon is in west central Saskatchewan and is north of the Village of Waseca, which is 43 km south east of Lloydminster. The former processor ceased scrap tire processing operations in 2001, leaving approximately 5 million pounds of scrap tires at the RM of Eldon Site.
Interested proponents can find the RFP (Competition #TSS01) and other associated documents on All parameters for the RFP process can be found within the RFP document. Responses to the RFP must be delivered within the parameters outlined in the RFP by Thursday July 26, 2018 in order to be considered by the TSS. All amendments and updates to the RFP will be made exclusively on SaskTenders.