
Albertans Recycle 100 Million Tires

  • 2016-10-24

Congratulations to Alberta on the recycling of 100 million tires!This significant milestone was celebrated in Lethbridge on September 9, 2016 at the grand opening of a new playground at Gilbert Paterson Middle School, where rubber crumb made from Alberta scrap tires was used for the pl...


7th Rubber Modified Asphalt Conference

  • 2016-07-14

The Rubber Modified Asphalt Conference will take place on November 2-3, 2016 at the Sheraton Ann Arbor in Ann Arbor, Michigan.The event will be hosted by the Scrap Tire Research and Education Foundation, Inc. (STREF), the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA), the Rubber Pavements Association (RPA)...


Nova Scotia Celebrates 20 Years of Recycling

  • 2016-07-14

RRFB Nova Scotia has commenced its 20th year of recycling under a fresh, new name – Divert NS!Formerly the Resource Recovery Fund Board (RRFB Nova Scotia), Divert NS recently evaluated and refined the strategic goals of their organization. To emphasize the shift, they are also beg...


2016 Rubber Recycling Symposium – Registration Open!

  • 2016-06-16

Early-Bird Registration for the 2016 Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) Rubber Recycling Symposium is now open.  You are encouraged to register soon to ensure that you receive the discounted Full Delegate rate.  Alternate rates are also available for Single Day atte...


TIA: Crumb Rubber used in Artificial Turf or as Playground Surfaces poses no significant Health or Environmental Risk

  • 2016-06-15

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) is an international non-profit association representing all segments of the tire industry, including those that manufacture, repair, recycle, sell, service or use new or retreaded tires, as well as suppliers or individuals who furnish equipment,...


Yukon Territory – Tire Program Changes announced

  • 2016-06-15

UPDATE:  The Government of Yukon announced that it will postpone the implementation of its amended recycling regulation, discussed below.  For further information, see Yukon's official announcement of July 12, 2016: T...


CCME: Inconsistencies in Tire Regulations across Canada

  • 2016-05-24

The Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment (CCME) is the minister-led intergovernmental forum for action on environmental issues of national and international concern.  Its Waste Management Task Group works with stakeholders to achieve greater consistency on key elements...


TRAC Submission: Ontario Government Bill 151, The Waste-Free Ontario Act

  • 2016-03-30

The Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) is the national trade association representing the interests of tire and other rubber manufacturers and importers of rubber goods into Canada, together with rubber recyclers and suppliers whose goods or services directly relate to these in...


CATRA Statement on Recycled Rubber in Synthetic Turf

  • 2016-01-11

For several months media have been reporting that there may be a concern with tire derived products that are part of synthetic turf playing fields.  These reports, while originating in the United States, are also being reported on in Canada.There have been numerous independent scientific studie...


Rubber Recycling Symposium 2016

  • 2015-12-16

The Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) has announced that it will partner with Ontario Tire Stewardship for the next biennial Rubber Recycling Symposium.The event will be held on October 5, 6 and 7, 2016 at the Crowne Plaza Niagara Falls–Fallsview Hotel.  As it becomes available, more...